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Ticket Zone at Live UK!

First visit to Live UK!

It was our first time visiting Live UK in London and we thoroughly enjoyed the event. The unusual format and wide amount of content covered allowed delegates to share in other peoples issues and experiences.

Covering everything from ticketing and venue issues, to the problems agents face, to broader political subjects and a some time on promoting the industry.

Panel discussions

The panel discussions were really interesting. A particularly enjoyable session was the insight provided by ’Masters of the Universe’ which focused mainly on distant promoting in foreign lands.

The panel consisted of some old and some new heads which meant we got several angles on the same topic matter. ‘The Winning Ticket’ held later in the afternoon took a more domestic view of the UK market and again, the mix of old and new viewpoints allowed for interesting debate.


It tricky to decide whether a conference such as this works better as a one or two day event. The one day event tends to skirt over matters more lightly, as you would expect, but still provides an arena for picking up interesting soundbites of information and the same opportunity to network which is often key and fun at these events. We work with people day-in day-out, but sometimes only see them at these events, which gives us opportunity to meet on a more informal basis.

The two day conference also has its place but when time is tight, it can be a little laborious and heavy going at times.

We left with a positive feeling about Live UK Summit and would recommend to colleagues and customers alike. It was a good value offering in a quite crowded marketplace.

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Ticket Zone Limited, 

3 Taw Vale, Barnstaple

Devon EX32 8NJ



Company Number: 08650014   VAT Number: 168 7595 46

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