ACHIEVE EXPO - Health, Wealth & Happiness - Assembly Rooms, Bath 14th -15th October 2017

ACHIEVE is a brand new Expo that is being launched by Martin Robert’s from Homes Under the Hammer. Martin kicked off his own lifestyle transformation while in the Australian jungle as a contestant on the hugely popular ITV show I’m a Celebrity…Get me out of Here. His work schedule and family commitments over the last decade has meant that time to focus on his own personal health and wellbeing was not always a top priority. His time in the jungle forced a break from these commitments and gave him time to reflect on his diet and fitness. In just under three weeks Martin lost an incredible two stone and cured himself of lifelong Asthma. Since returning home he has continued with the changes, which have resulted in him being happier and healthier – he now wants to inspire others to make small changes to achieve a happier, healthier you. Achieve your health, wealth and happiness goals with Martin Roberts’ new ACHIEVE Expo. Visit over 50 leading brands and choose from 14 celebrity speakers to inspire and equip you with practical tips to help you on your way. LIVE AT THE ASSEMBLY ROOMS, BATH 14th - 15th October 2017
Two days of free to attend exhibitions showcasing over 50 leading brands and experts.
Access to test and taste products and services that can improve your fitness, your diet and your mental well being.
Meet specialists in the fields of health, fitness, wealth creation and mindfulness.
The very LATEST in nutrition, vitality and alternative therapy.
Advice on wealth creation and turning your dreams into reality.
14 inspirational speakers who will share their stories of achievement.
Access to the latest books from leading celebrity experts in health, wealth and happiness, who are available to sign their latest releases.